How to create a blog for free on Google and earn money in India

Mr Dhananjay

In this Post you'll learn about:- How to create a blog for free on Google and earn money | best blog sites to make money | How to create a blog for free and make money in india | make money blogging in 3 months | can i make money blogging about my life | how to start a blog on facebook and earn money | FAQs

How to create a blog for free on Google and earn money | best blog sites to make money | How to create a blog for free and make money in india | make money blogging in 3 months | can i make money blogging about my life | how to start a blog on facebook and earn money | FAQs

If you have a knack for writing and if people loves what you write about but you can't find a publisher that wants to publish what you write, you have to try out the internet. You have to consider the fact that writing can make you famous. If you think that you are good enough, then you should try writing blogs. Ever since blogging craze began, there were a lot of people who began opening up their own blog sites and a few of them have become famous. So, how does blogging bring fame?

How to create a blog for free on Google and earn money by Content Writing

First of all, because you will be posting what you write on blogging websites, it can be easily accessed by a lot of people. This is the internet. With millions of people logging in each day, there is a great chance that someone will come across your blogs.

If you are seeking fame and be known as a great writer, then positing what you write on blogging websites is the cheapest way to do so. It is also one of the easiest ways to become famous in the internet.

To start writing blogs, you first need to create a blogging website. Today, there are quite a lot of websites that hosts blogging for free. Sign up with one of these websites and begin posting your blogs.

How to create a blog for free on Google and earn money Know all about it

Basically, blogs are known to be journals. Think of it as writing your day to day activities and experiences and letting people know about it. However, you can absolutely write about anything in blogs. It can be
facts or you can also write fictional short stories. Or, you can do a mix of both.

The great thing about blogging is that you absolutely have complete freedom on whatever you want to write about. However, you have to take care in avoiding offending someone. Racial discrimination and other hate messages is prohibited as well as pornographic content.

How to create a blog for free on Google and earn money, let's know about How to write a blog 

Now that you posted your very first blog, the next thing to do is sit back and wait for readers to come across your blog and begin reading it. You don’t actually need to advertise as the people who read it will be the ones that will advertise for you. If you
are good enough, then they will leave a comment on what they think about your blogs and they will also recommend it to their family and friends as a good read.

How to create a blog for free on Google and earn money by becoming successful content writer

The secret in becoming successful and famous in blogs is the content of what you write. It should be interesting and easy to read. Try catching people's attention on the very first sentence. Once you catch their attention, they will become interested enough to read the entire blog. 

This is the secret to becoming famous in blogging and gain a lot of loyal readers.

Try to update your blogging website on a daily basis. If you really don’t have something to write about and you have a normal, routine life, try adding a little spice to it. You don’t actually need to lie but you
can always bend the truth behind your so called escapades. Exaggerate a little and also add a little humor.

You have to remember that readers don’t really want to know about your day to day activities. They want excitement. You don’t actually need to tell the readers details about your daily life, but what you need to do is get them to use their imagination.

These are some of the tips that you might want to remember when writing blogs. With these tips, you can be sure that your blogging website will bring you fame.

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